SHS #101: Starting From Scratch? Do These 7 Things.

Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi

March 02

If I Had to Start From Scratch, I’d Do This

If I had to quit my job all over again, I'd do this. And if you're in this journey then this is for you to avoid some mistakes and expedite the process.

Before we start, here's a quick refresher on my timeline:

  • September 2020: Started writing on Medium
  • October 2020: Started freelancing
  • April 2021: age 24, resigned
  • July 2021: age 25, self-employed
  • November 2021: Started my course Summit 21
  • Mid 2021: quit freelancing
  • 2021-2022: Launched products and made a living off them
  • Present: a full-time solopreneur

Now, let's get started 🎯

1. Show Your Work

For me, this was on Medium. For you, it can be a platform of your choice. I'd recommend LinkedIn only because it's the easiest to grow on.

All you have to do is:

  • publish 3x a week
  • engage with others
  • be consistent

And you'll see growth.

Sneaky mention of my LinkedIn Playbook and LinkedIn Course that can help you with this hehe.

2. Make it relevant

Write about your services.

Show your skills in your work.

For example, I'd probably write about self-improvement and freelance in this area as well and it comes the easiest to me.

If you want to freelance on tech but write about travel then it probably won't work :)

I understood this much later in my journey.

3. Apply for gigs

It's what I did back in the day and what I'll do again.

Apply for freelance gigs on Upwork.

4. Mindset

Again, I did it then and I'd do it again.

It's what I work on constantly even today.

Making money and getting opportunities is a huge mindset game.

Read books like Mindset by Dr. Carol Dweck, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, Grit by Angela Duckworth and my favourite - Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins. The last one completely changed my life.

5. Have a freebie

I did this a year after my journey but I wish I had done it sooner.

Have a lead magnet, a free product. If your free stuff gives value to people they'd be willing to pay when you launch a paid one :)

6. Be a swimmer

Stop looking at what others are doing. Focus on your lane because looking left or right slows you down.

Stop comparing yourself to others. It'll either make you feel like an imposter that you're charging too much or inferior when you see others doing exceptionally well.

This is your journey.

It's your game alone.

7. The Ultimate

Be open to opportunities and try out new things.

I wanted to be a freelancer. I'd have never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd be a full-time solopreneur who works under 4h a day.

In fact, I worked under 30 hours in February!

This only happens when you learn, experiment, and hit publish.

All the best!

In case the above made you feel overwhelmed, I hope this makes you feel hopeful:

A Surgeon With a Side Hustle

If you think you're too busy to start side-hustling, meet my friend Dr Manan Vora who is an orthopedic doctor, writes on LinkedIn, and is an Instagram influencer. and has launched his passion project - NutriByte Wellness.

Before you leave, here’s how I can help you ace your goals:


​​Become a Solopreneur​

Launching soon!

Hop in here →


Summit 21

The next cohort kicks off in June 2024.

Join me this summer →


LinkedIn Mastery

Grow on LinkedIn authentically.

Grow + attract opportunities →

Work With Me

If you’re a brand or a business looking to grow, I get 3 million+ views every month on my content. Click here if you want me to help you shine bright in front of my audience.

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Niharikaa Kaur Sodhi

I write tips around side hustling, writing, and monetisation to 15,000+ superstars every Saturday.

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